1978 - Actor/mime in Shakespear's "The Tempest"; produced by "Piccolo Teatro" of Milan; directed by Giorgio Strehler
1979 - Mime in the opera "Boris Godunov" by Mussorgsky; prod. by "La Scala", Milan; directed by Liubjmov; musical director Claudio Abbado
1980 - Graduation from the acting course at the School of Drammatic Arts of the "Piccolo Teatro" of Milan
- Formation of the theatrical group "Compagnia Te - Atro" in Milan
- Actor in "The Wedding" by Chekov; "The Bedbug" by Mayakovsky; "The Petit Bourgeois Wedding" by Brecht; prod. by "Compagnia Te - Atro" directed by Carlo Cecchi and G.P. Solari
1981 - Actor in "Alla Città di Roma" by G. Rovetta; prod. by "Centro Teatrale Bresciano" and "Compagnia Te - Atro"; directed by G.P. Solari
1982 - Actor in "The Intellectuals" by Molière; prod. by "Compagnia Te - Atro"; directed by G.P. Solari
- Actor in "Saved" by E. Bond; prod. by "Compagnia Te - Atro"; directed by G.P. Solari
- Actor and production manager in "Ivanov" by Chekov; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by Carlo Cecchi
1983 - production manager for "The Homecoming" by H. Pinter; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by Carlo Cecchi
- Writer of radio play "I Gracchi"; prod. by the RAI; directed by U. Marino
- Writer of radio play "In Punta di Piedi" (prodeced by RAI in 1984)
- Actor and production manager in "The Bourgeois Gentleman" by Molière; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by Carlo Cecchi
1984 - Production manager for "The Creditors" by A. Strindberg; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by I. Spinelli
- Actor and production manager in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by Carlo Cecchi
- Actor and production manager in "Lu Curaggio de nu Pompiere Napulitanu" by Scarpetta-Eduardo; prod. by "Teatro Niccolini", Florence; directed by Carlo Cecchi
1986 - Production manager for the "Gruppo della Rocca" in Turin for the following productions: "The Master and Margherita" by Bulgakov; "The Mission" by Muller; "Schweyk" by Brecht; "Amphitryon" by Kleist
- Writer of the tragicomedy "Sort of a Game" (Original title Una Specie di Gioco)
1987 - Production manager for "Il Teatro Stabile", Genova for the following productions: "Retro" by Galin; "Suzanna Andler" by M. Duras
- Co-writer with A. Rosti of the comedy "La Sera della Prima"; prod. by "Fontemaggiore", Perugia
- Writer of the tragicomedy "La Nostra Festa"
- Actor and production manager in "L'Egoista" by Bertolazzi; prod. by "Il Teatro Stabile" of Genova; directed by M. Sciaccaluga
1988 - Production manager for "Genova Spettacolo" for the production The "Prisoner of Second Avenue" by N. Simon; directed by M. Parodi
1989 - Director of "Sort of a Game" (Original title Una Specie di Gioco) at the "Inscena Festival" in Milan
1990 - Writer of the tragicomedy "Cuccioli" freely based on a novel by Vargas Llosa; prod. by "Porta Romana", Milan; directed by G.P. Solari
- Writer of monologue "Terrestre fa bene (Se ci pare)"
1991 - Co-writer with G. Cederna of the stage adaptation of the film "Tie Me Up" by P. Almodovar
- Teacher of Phonetics in the language school AICS in Perugia
- Writer of radio-play "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche"
Link to the internet version of "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" (where to unload RealPlayer freeware and to listen to it)
- Writer of the comedy "Lebbra!"
- Teacher of seminar on play writing for the teachers of two high schools in Perugia
- Writer of the comedy "Land Ho!" (Christopher Morrison Discovering America)
1992 - Actor in "Colloquio Notturno" by Durenmatt; prod. by "Teatro di Sacco", Perugia; directed by R. Biselli
- "Land Ho!" prod. by "Teatro di Sacco", Perugia; directed by R. Biselli
- Actor and write adaptation of "Exemplary Crimes" by Max Aub, performed at "La Sala dei Notari" in Perugia; directed by Carlos Tolentino
1993 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina" of Rome for the production of "Beati voi!"; directed by P. Garinei
- Writer of the drama "La signora Stemmer"
- Co-writer with Mariamelia Monti of radio-play "Riuscirò in 30 puntate a trovare l'uomo della mia vita? Boh!"
1994 - Founder of "Baraonda Teatro" in Perugia
- Producer of "Una Specie di Gioco" at the Zenith Theatre in Perugia; directed by C. Tolentino - English Version: "Sort of a game
- Writer of the stage adaptation of the novel "L'étranger" by A. Camus
1995 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of Alleluja, brava gente; directed by P.Garinei
- "Una Specie di Gioco" at the "Argot Teatro", Rome; directed by C. Tolentino - English Version: "Sort of a game"
1996 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "Alle volte basta un niente"; directed by P. Garinei
- "Sort of a game" performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (august 1996) - Venue 45; directed by G.Piero Solari
1997 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "L'uomo che inventò la televisione"; directed by P. Garinei
- Writer of the comedy "Isole" - German version: "Inseln"
1998 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "Un paio d'ali"; directed by P. Garinei
1999 - Administration manager for "Festival dei Due Mondi" of Spoleto.
- Writer of the tragicomedy "Aiutami, Aiuto, Aiutami"
2000 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "...E meno male che c'è Maria" stage adaptation of the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire"; directed by P. Garinei
- The radio-play to episodes "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" is spread on the magazine cultural on-line "Progetto IHAD" on Internet.
Link to the internet version of "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" (where to unload RealPlayer freeware and to listen to it)
2001 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "...E meno male che c'è Maria" stage adaptation of the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire"; directed by P. Garinei
- "Aiutami, Aiuto, Aiutami" performed at the "Teatro Sette", Rome, in the review of contemporary playwrights "Teatro Giovani Ettore Petrolini", winning the prize as best show.
- Writer of the tragicomedy "Blues Quartet" (Original title: "Quartetto Blues")
2002 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "Malgrado tutto, Beati Voi!"; directed by P. Garinei
- "Isole" performed at the "Theater Im Keller",
Graz (Austria), in German language "Inseln", directed by Norbert Hainschek, in the review of
contemporary playwrights "Unknown Neighbours", in the cycle devoted to the Italian
2003 - Production manager for "Teatro Sistina", Rome for the production of "Malgrado tutto Beati Voi!"; directed by P. Garinei
- Production manager for "Loop Cinematografica S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Enrico Montesano Show"; directed by E. Montesano
- Production manager for "Salieri Entertainment S.r.l.", Milan for the production of "Lennon & John"; directed by Giancarlo Lucariello and Massimo Natale
- The radio-play to episodes "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" is published in the magazine "Scene" of the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater)
2004 - Production manager for "Salieri Entertainment S.r.l.", Milan for the production of "Lennon & John"; directed by Giancarlo Lucariello and Massimo Natale
- Production manager for "Promnibus S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Roman vacations" stage adaptation of the movie "Roman vacations" by Paramount Pictures; directed by P. Garinei
- "Quartetto Blues" performed at the Città di Castello Festival of the Nations; directed by Angelo Edoardo Zigrino - English version: "Blues Quartet"
- The radio-play to episodes "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" is published in the magazine "Scene" of the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater)
2005- Production manager for "Promnibus S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Roman vacations" stage adaptation of the movie "Roman vacations" by Paramount Pictures; directed by P. Garinei
- Production manager for "Risorgimento Produzione Spettacoli S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Nojo Vulevan Sàvuar Ancor"; directed by E. Montesano
- The radio-play to episodes "Corrispondenze Cervellotiche" is published in the magazine "Scene" of the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater)
- Writer of the tragicomedy "Etruschi!" - English version: "Etruscans!"
- "Blues Quartet" Performed in the review of contemporary
playwrights "Premio Sele d'Oro 2005", winning the prize as best play
2006- Production manager for "Risorgimento Produzione Spettacoli S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Nojo Vulevan Sàvuar Ancor"; directed by E. Montesano
- Production manager for "RAL S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Squali"; directed by Claudio Boccaccini
2007- Production manager for "RAL S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Squali"; directed by Claudio Boccaccini
- Production manager for "Risorgimento Produzione Spettacoli S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Scorretto e non conforme... è permesso?"; directed by E. Montesano
2008- Production manager for "Risorgimento Produzione Spettacoli S.r.l.", Rome for the production of "Scorretto e non conforme... è permesso?"; directed by E. Montesano
- General Manager for "Altrove S.r.l." Rome for the production of "Todi Arte Festival", Artistic Director: Maurizio Costanzo.
- General Manager for "Giacaranda S.r.l." Rome for the production of "", directed by Marco Mattolini, Artistic Director: Maurizio Costanzo.
2009- General Manager for "Giacaranda S.r.l." Rome for the production of "", directed by Marco Mattolini, Artistic Director: Maurizio Costanzo.
- Collaboration with the musical group "Rimbamband" as Author.
2010- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Collaboration with the "Offucina Eclectic Arts - Company Horovitz-Paciotto", Spoleto as Author/Actor/Production Manager.
2011- Collaboration with the "Offucina Eclectic Arts - Company Horovitz-Paciotto", Spoleto as Author/Actor/Production Manager.
- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Collaboration with "La MaMa Spoleto Open - Special event of the Fringe Festival 54 2mondi of Spoleto."
- Processing of the dramatic show "Discovering Pasolini - Notes from a movie Unborn" co-produced by La MaMa ETC New York and La MaMa Umbria International
Spoleto, directed by Andrea Paciotto. First performance: 28 October 2011 at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence under the program created by Maurizio
Scaparro "The Theatre Italiane in the World"
2012- Collaboration with the "Offucina Eclectic Arts - Company Horovitz-Paciotto", Spoleto as Author/Actor/Production Manager.
- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Translation and processing of the dramatic show of the short story "The Test" (in italian "L'Esame") by Richard Matheson, produced by the Cultural Association "Eunice" in
Perugia, directed by Andrea Paciotto with Giampiero Frondini, Francesco Bolo Rossini, Caterina Fiocchetti. First performance 22 November 2012 at the
Teatro della Concordia in Marsciano.
2013- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Publishing with the publishing house "Era Nuova" in Perugia, my tragicomedy "Blues Quartet".
2014- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Publishing with the publishing house "Era Nuova" in Perugia, my children's book "The Adventures of Bottoms Up - Moon Light on the Water".
- Teacher of various theater workshops in Perugia.
2015- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Collaboration in the creation of SISFE (Spoleto International Sport Film Experience - directed by Stefano Alleva). event FICTS (Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs),
as part of WORLD FICTS CHALLENGE 2016 (World Championship of Cinema and sport Television organized into 16 Festival in the 5 Continents).
- Teacher of various theater workshops in Perugia.
2016- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Collaboration with SISFE (Spoleto International Sport Film Experience - directed by Stefano Alleva), event FICTS (Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs),
as part of WORLD FICTS CHALLENGE 2016 (World Championship of Cinema and sport Television organized into 16 Festival in the 5 Continents).
- Writer of the one-act play "Dispersi nel Pacifico".
- Teacher of various theater workshops in Perugia.
2017- Collaboration with the U.I.L.T. (Italian Union Free Theater) reviewing some shows of Companies U.I.L.T. published on "Scena" the magazine of the Union.
- Teacher of various theater workshops in Perugia.
(N.B. Remove the name of the animal from the address)